Monday, January 11, 2016

Planning and structuring an Essay.


Klein, N. (2000) No Logo. London: Flamingo.
Olins, W. (2003) Wally Olins: On Brand. London: Thames and Hudson


- Introduction - The relationship between branding and consumer itself. 

- What is branding and how important it is. 

- Kein, N - No logo 

- Aspets which affects consumer's decisions. 

- The impact of advertisings. 

- Conclusion. 

- Research about book by Klein, N. + an article about 'Apple iPhones' 

During my research I have found a book by Klein, N. (2000) No Logo. London: Flamingo, which made me realize how much branding, has taken over the whole world; sport, media, and consumers. The author focuses on the issues of branding. Naomi Klein describes the behavior and unethical actions of large corporations such us ‘Microsoft’, ‘Nike’ and ‘McDonald’s’. Klein successfully argues that the brand allows creating myths and lying to consumers about the ‘value’ of products, while all the products are often produced in the same places and having the same characteristics. Furthermore, on the beginning of the book Klein mentions that branding grew with people mentally and physically. People started to want only brands without looking at the quality of the cloths, which means that brands grew exponentially over the years’. By looking at different articles about branding and their effects on consumers I have found an article about the ‘Apple phones’ showing how much important brand is for consumers. They have done an experiment, showing to Apple funs an iPhone with installed Android, saying that it is new software for Apple. All of them were fascinating with the new software, saying that, they are going to be first in the queue, when the new iPhone with the software would come up. This article shows how features, capabilities and overall look started to become less important for consumers now.  After watching this video clip, you can realize that consumers do not think at all, they doesn’t have their own opinion, they are just accepting everything what others are giving to them. 

- Advertising 

In today’s consumer society, advertising plays an increasingly important role. It enters into every single aspect of our lives.  Looking at different articles I have found a polish web page with all the information about the impact of commercials.  The web page is stating that ‘One of the dangers in modern world, which can easily manipulate with people’s minds is advertising. Since couple of years the media have appeared on a permanent basics in people’s houses. Currently our life is very closely linked to them. Everyday people buy newspapers, they watch television, or even when they are going out somewhere, almost everywhere the advertisements are around them. There is no place, where advertising billboards would not influence our decisions. This is because advertising is the most effective way of promoting the products, which the brand is offering. Now using the commercial and posters, brand can easily manipulate with consumer’s minds and operate human’s subconscious.