Monday, November 6, 2017


- (36Creative, 2013) says ‘your branding doesn’t stop with your logo’.

- According to Business Insider (Business Insider, 2011), one third of consumer decision making is based on packaging.

- Packaging design is often referred to as the silent salesmen as it enabled an unconscious psychological connection (Burks, 2016).

- “unseen is unsold” (Asher, 2016.)

- Visibility is key (Asher, 2016.).

- Visibility comes in the way of colour, physical structure or shape, symbols and number, typography (Klimchuck, and Krasovec, 2006).

- “Market research and design gives form to the idea. The biggest role of a designer is very much to understand and position themselves between the craft of making something but maintaining the integrity of the research behind the brand. In other words, market research is key.” (Hosea, 2010).

- “help consumers develop a portfolio of relationships that allow them to function as creators of meaning for themselves.”, (Ettinger, 2013).

- “The product should speak for itself without overcomplicating packaging” (Upshaw, 2007).

-“From a purely design perspective (removing marketing variables such as price, location and brand loyalty) there are significant elements that best capture consumer attention and break through the visual clutter of the retail environment. The attraction of design elements is based on: basic principles of design + clear marketing objectives + effective use of top four attention grabbers (colour, physical structure or shape, symbols and number, typography) = well designed consumer packaging design. Packaging design that serves the intended target market should be culturally appropriate, linguistically accurate, visually logical and competitively designed.” (p.33, Klimchuck, and Krasovec, 2012).
- According to business insider, 52% of online consumers say they would likely return to a business for another purchase if they receive products in premium packaging and businesses have reported a 30% increase in consumer interest when those businesses show a strong attention to trustworthy packaging (The Paper Worker, 2016).


QuestionIs the packaging design effecting consumer choice when purchasing a product? 

Introduction: 1000 words  

- Outlining the topic and explain to the reader why this is the important area to study. 

Context/ Themes, Case Studies, Reflective Practice: 3000 words 

- What makes successful food packaging design? 
- Statistics showing the success. 
- Who are the most popular brands?
- Brand theory. 
- Use primary research 
- Discuss the research in the essay and the practical design element of this module and how they relate. 

Conclusion: 1000 words 

- Summarise the findings of each chapter. 
- Evaluate the successes or shortcoming of the research project to come to a conclusion to answer the question. 

Things to question in the dissertation:

-       What makes a product sell?
-       Is packaging design the most important part of the product?
-       Why do people/customers buy that specific product?

“An effective package design is the most effective way for emerging brand to compete and stay relevant” – Blake Mitchell (