Monday, November 6, 2017


QuestionIs the packaging design effecting consumer choice when purchasing a product? 

Introduction: 1000 words  

- Outlining the topic and explain to the reader why this is the important area to study. 

Context/ Themes, Case Studies, Reflective Practice: 3000 words 

- What makes successful food packaging design? 
- Statistics showing the success. 
- Who are the most popular brands?
- Brand theory. 
- Use primary research 
- Discuss the research in the essay and the practical design element of this module and how they relate. 

Conclusion: 1000 words 

- Summarise the findings of each chapter. 
- Evaluate the successes or shortcoming of the research project to come to a conclusion to answer the question. 

Things to question in the dissertation:

-       What makes a product sell?
-       Is packaging design the most important part of the product?
-       Why do people/customers buy that specific product?

“An effective package design is the most effective way for emerging brand to compete and stay relevant” – Blake Mitchell (

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