Monday, November 23, 2015

What is the relationship between branding and The consumer self?

 "What is the relationship between branding and The consumer self?"

During my research, I have read "Olins, W (2003) Wally Olins: On Brand London: Thames and Hudsons". The book is about to inform the readers how and why the brands are important to costumers also for the reader to get a better comprehension about all the aspects of branding and looking at the history of it. Olins explains different brands which have been successful or not during this time, its referencing to  the most famous brands which they are well known now such as Mercedes, Louis Vuitton, Even Shell, Gap, Nike etc. "Branding has moved so far beyond its commercial origins that its impact is virtually immeasurable in social and cultural terms" I have found this quote from this book which shows how branding has become the most important thing in our lives in the whole world. Moreover this shows how branding has a massive impact on costumers. Going to the shops costumers doesn't focus on the product it self what it contains etc, but mainly on the logo, design or image. "The brand is controlled by us - the costumers, make it successful or not". Here is the other quote from this book which tells that the costumers which are 'us', have the biggest impact on making the brand successful or not by choosing products designed by companies. Ollins explain that all the companies has changed their focus in the last decades from making and selling to 'being', in a world of all competitive brands 'the rational choice has become almost impossible, brands represent clarity, reassurance, consistency, status, membership.'

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