Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Session Notes

Harvard reference: Mulvey.L(2009[1975]) 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' in 'Visual and Other Pleasures', Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Republished use [ - put the original date next to it in the reference.In your essay single quotation mark 'quote quote' (Mulvey 2009[1975]:7) only thing that will change is the page number.

5 contextual facts about Laura Mulvey - things that she's trying to relate to or say about this text.  Relevant stuff. Critical. Author subject position.

- She is a British feminist 
- She was educated at St Hilda's College, Oxford. 
- She was film theorist 
- She is currently a professor of film and media studies at Birkbeck, University of London. 
- She was influenced by Freud/Lacan - psychoanalysis. 

5 key points as you see it, reduce it down about what it's about. visual narrative

She's saying woman are objectified on and off screen. The character is used as a sexual symbol within the screen story and for the audience.

Scopophilia - visual pleasure. In a sexual way.  It ia s freud term. Pleasure gained through the act of looking. In this sense certainly sexual pleasure is what she is talking about. It looks at it in relation to film and it's audiences. How people and the world relate to culture. Not just about cinema. It's about something much broader than that, culture in general and the structures in culture and how they relate to art and design and how it reflects society and it's structures. Her thing is film but what she is talking about is gender inequality. 

Male is the active force and the female is the passive.


Woman as sexual objects. To be looked at. Is the light motif of erotic spectacle. Repeatedly no matter what you're looking at.

Male gaze.

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