Monday, April 25, 2016

Practical Exploration- Final Idea and Evaluation

For me personally,  I would say this module has been difficult a bit. I really enjoyed the practical side of making a tea packaging, but it was a bit difficult for me to write an essay as English is not my first language. If I'm honest, I did not engage with Context of Practice as much as I have with Studio Practice for example. This is simply because it is much more of a formal. At the beginning I am not pleased to say that although I did try up to date which was very hard and I was brushed under the rug this module too much. When it came to practical exploration I felt really behind as I was living things to the last moment. I fell if I would have started doing my Practical Exploration earlier I could come up with more interesting ideas so my blog would not be limited as much as is now. 

Writing my essay was quite challenging for me as I said before English is not my first language, so it took me a while to get in to. However when I have started going in to my essay question I have become increasingly more interesting and I was really enjoying it as I am passionate about everything which is related to branding. During writing my essay I have learnt a lot of new things especially the ways of manipulations of brands and commercials. I fell I have produced a good essay which links well to my practical work. 

I have really enjoyed the practical side of this module. Although it took me a while to decide on a firm idea mainly because I had a lot of different ideas so I wasn't quite sure which one to take. I do feel I have produced an appropriate and strong response to this brief. Also I feel the message is appropriate response to the themes in my written piece. It would be beneficial if I would try to use different illustrations and experiment a bit with them, but I feel pleased with what I have produce. 

In the next year I would try to be more engaged with the Context of Practise as I said it is very important module as well as the other ones. I would try to keep my work up to date and do not leave things to the last moment. 

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