Monday, April 18, 2016

Practical Exploration Research


The practical side of this module is to design a body of work that links back to your essay effectively. The topic of my essay was about the relationship between brands and consumers.

In my essay I have been talking a lot about Brands and how they can manipulate consumers 
to buy products they don't need it or even want through clever advertisements. Since couple of years media have appeared on a permanent basics in people's houses. Every single day on the whole planet
people are buying newspapers, watching television, or even they going out somewhere, the advertisements are around us. Brands are using lots of different ways to attract consumer for example thought 'revolutionary product' which would make everyone looking astonishment, full fill they dreams. Life would become easy and pleasant and of course very cheap. By purchasing advertised products people would become healthier, full of energy and beautiful. How wouldn't have this kind of life? 

My point is about the massive impact which all the brands has on consumers. Our life is controlled by them. Going to the shops consumers doesn't focus on the product it self and what it contains, but mainly on the logo, design, image, shape or even on the words for eg. 'revolutionary'. The other impact which has on consumers are actors, singers or celebrities promoting a product as well. Following on from my essay, I have looked at different products which we all has been given, that we don't need to physically buy. 

My idea is to create something which is not needed but it feels like people would need to buy it. 
The other idea is to make luxury look packaging for one product which would costs the same price as a low quality package of couple the same products.
The third idea is to re-brand existing brand which is not very successful. I could produce new logo, symbol and designs. During this I could make questionnaires about designs. 
I think I would add some posters to my product as well using the ways which all the brands are using 
to promote a product but on the same time to manipulate with consumer.

Even if those are just ordinary products we are purchasing on regular basic, by branding them in such this way, using smart and creative designs and shapes of the products makes them feel more high quality. The product is the same as the basics ones, probably the only difference between them is price. This one is probably much more expensive than buying the basic one without all the designs etc.

I will create a small questionnaire which would include the image of ordinary product which would just look normal and the second image of the same product but low quality one with incredible rich design. I will ask people which product they would chose. This questionnaire will show how many of asked people would chose the basic product with high quality and the well designed one with low quality. 

That's the second idea of creating an luxury packaging. The use of them makes basic products feel more high quality than selling them in a normal plastic or paper bags etc.  

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