Tuesday, January 30, 2018

COP 3 - Brand name

For the brand name, I have looked for simple names as I didn't want to make it over complicated but simple and easy to remember. Looking back at the research of different already existing honey packagings and brand names I have come up with couple ideas:

* honey
* hi honey
* golden honey
* bee
* golden bee
* miód (in polish)
* abeille (in french)

I have asked people in the class to vote and help me to decide which name I should use. In total, I have received 15 votes. Most of them voted for 'Hi Honey'. I am going to use it as my brand name as I think it sounds inviting and friendly. Also creates an atmosphere of a close relationship between consumer and brand. 

For the logo, the initial thoughts were to produce something a little more creative either using type or the placing of letters and trying various typefaces. I have started from choosing the appropriate typeface which will suit the theme. The aim of choosing calligraphy typeface is to make the text look sophisticated and attractive instead of medicated and uninviting. 

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