Thursday, February 1, 2018

COP 3 - Packaging Design

As I wanted to make the packaging design stand out from the shop shelf and attract consumers I have decied to create a paper box for honey using all techniques which I learnt while writing my dissertation. I have to chose carefully colours, size and material of the packaging, illustrations and informations.

- Colour and type of material

My concept is to create a packaging for honey which will represent a beehive. Beehive is always made from wood in a shape of a beehive. My idea is to create a square packaging with the wood pattern on it as wood represents nature. As the colour is the most important factor, which influence consumer decision I had to chose a colour which will make the packaging stand out and be eye-catching from the distance. I will create, a small hole in front complete with an open slit like the wooden drawers that pull out honeycombs.

                                    Image result for ul pszczeli

Inside of the packaging I want to use gold paper (representation of honey) with bee illustrations on it. I want to make consumers feel as they are opening a real beehive. The gold colour will make the packaging look luxury and expensive.

- Shape 

Once opened a bottle for honey will be in an unique honeycomb shape to make consumers feel as they are taking out a real honey from beehive. The bottle would contain a logo in front, information about honey on the back and small tag attached to the bottle cork. Using unique shape will attract consumer to the packaging and product.

- Informtion Function 

Info on the back: Indulge yourself with the most supreme honey from the United Kingdom. Packed with all the goodness  and health that nature intended. No added flavours, presevatives, sweetners or sugars. ‘Packaging provides an attractive method to convey messages and information about the product attributes to customers’ (Silayoi & Speece). 


Illustration and text, type of material 

The front side of the packaging will contain a massive black bee with 3D wings coming out of the box. The inside of the bee will be also cuted out to make costumers curious about whats inside the packaging. Transparent/see-thought idea will give an impresion of freshness of the product. For the bee's colour I want to eperiment with black or gold colour.

Informational function 

On the top of the box lid I want to use my created copmany logo in gold and white colour to make it visible, stand out and make a packaging look luxury. The back part of the packaging would contain nutrition informations as well as a bar code. Giving important informations about the product company gains loyal consumers as they will believe that company is trustworthy.

Promotional element 

The product bring consumer a satysfaction while moving a product, opening it and using it. 

First attempt of creating packaging design and feedback:

After the research, finishing my dissertation and linking it to my practical work I have started creating a real physical copy of the box.

In received feedback I have been suggested :

- To change colours of the packaking or a bee as white and black colours look quite plain without making the packaging stand out.
- They liked the idea of 3D wings which makes the packaging very different from the others but due to the transportation and production it would be very hard to maintain the condition of them all the time.
- The last suggestion was about making the wood pattern darker as its very hard to see it especially from the distance.
- The feedback for the bottle was very positive.

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