Friday, April 21, 2017

Practical work - Research - posters

I have decided to move forward with the idea of creating an advert for rabbit's food. I have started from researching into different brands which are selling this type of food for rabbits, to have a look on what kind of posters they are creating to promote it. It was kind of hard to find any posters promoting the food for rabbits as I couldn't find any, so I tried to look for different animals like cats or dogs as there are many commercials and posters using those animals. The first example is the posters promoting food for cats and dogs from 'Lams', they are using simple close-ups to the animal's faces, with the logo, symbol, and slogan of the brands. This is what I will like to do for my posters. The second example is the brand called 'Purina' promoting food for cats. The second example is similar to the first one as both of them using close-up to animal's face. Under the photo in bright boxes, consumers might find more info about the food and company.

Image result for posters promoting food for dogImage result for posters promoting food for dog

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