Friday, April 21, 2017

Practical work - Ideas for Practical work

The aim of the practical project is link to the final essay,  both studio briefs need to be about the same subject area or support the final conclusion.  

Essay conclusion:

The world is now controlled by advertisements using a variety of different, effective techniques just to manipulate with us as a consumer. Persuading us to spend a lot of money even for things we just simply do not need. People are dealing with lots of advertising messages every single day, in fact, people are not able to get rid of them. The world of advertisement is idealised and colourized in a way which presents a life without problems or imperfections, the solution appears in form of the products displayed in commercials which we are practically imposed on buying them, supposedly making our lives better. On the other hand, advertisements are also beneficial for us, mainly because it gives us information about different, new or already existing products which might help us in order to reach our target. Without advertisements, we would not have gained that information. The last question is: how many years we would have to deal with advertisements? The answer is simple: If the market would fall as well (it is practically not possible) it would cause advertisings as well. There is nothing else left than just living in the world where advertisements are around us in every moment of our life.  All we need to do is just to not take some of them seriously, mainly because advertisements are not always truthful, they might sell products which might not be very healthful for us. That’s why it is important to seek more information about the products before buying it. To do it, we just need to check the labels which would tell us everything about the wanted product and what it contains. In some occasions more expensive products don’t mean better quality. 

As the practical outcome for this brief work with the essay it must follow the same ethics. For my cop practical work I would like to create an advert which would present all the manipulation techniques which are used to create successful and catchy advertisement.

I will look at different manipulation techniques which I have been talking about in my essay: 

- Suitable colours
- Catchy Jingles - catchy musical composition 
- Tempting pictures 
- Suitable words 
- Tempting Prices 
- Anthropomorphism - giving human qualities to non human objects or beings

I have come up with 4 different ideas of how to develop my essay to practical work: 

- Food - The advert promoting healthy food - juices, yogurts, jams. 
- Animals - The advert which would promote healthy food/snacks for the animals. 
- Perfume - Fairy tale looking advert promoting new perfume on the market. 
- Entertainment - new music app/ album 

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