Friday, April 21, 2017

Practical work - Research

I have started from researching a bit about existing adverts for food for animals to get a bit of understanding of how to make my own video.  I have couple of interesting ones using you tube: 

1st Idea: Food for animals

Ibis - The first advert which I have found is for 'Ibis' is to promote mattress in the Ibis hotel. The idea behind of using rabbits for the video is to represent the softness of the mattress. 

Rice Chex/ Trix - The advert exactly represents what I would love to achieve in my project. As my idea is to use children's voice to the advert using catchy music in the bac

Purina - It's one of the most popular companies if it comes to the food for cats. Most of the adverts are using the voice of children's to make it look like the animals are talking about the food. 

2nd Idea: Perfume advert

Image result for heat beyonce advert
The advert conforms to the usual standard of perfume adverts; the model is centralised adding element of importance and due to the slight low angle, a sense of dominance is added. Connotations of red include heat, lust, pain, sensuality, love and empowerment, this is portrayed through her facial expressions which has been enhanced by lighting. This kind of advert might manipulate with women as the advert shows if someone will use this perfume will be 'hot' just like Beyonce. 

Image result for versace advert
The second design shows the poster promoting Versace perfume. The image conveys a sense of male dominance. 
This could attract a male audience and allow them to believe that by having this product it would make them more attractive to the woman. 

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