Saturday, April 22, 2017

Practical work - Survey

I have started from creating a survey about the impact of advertising. Here is the link to my survey: I gathered 10 responses from people in different age group.

How old are you? 

18 - 25 - 6 people 
25 - 30 - 3 people 
30 - 40 - 1 person 
over 40 - no one 

Approximately how many adverts do you watch a day? 

0 - 10 - 1 person 
10 - 20 - 3 people 
20 - 30 - 4 people 
more - 2 people 

What in your opinion makes an advert effective that catches your attention? 

- I think catchy music and colours
- Music 
- Colours 
- Funny tagline 
- Music 
- Catchy design and pictures 
- Humor 
- A human truth engagingly presented. 
- Stupid commercials are the most memorable, followed by funny ones. I tend to remember a commercial first then the product
- Music and pictures 

Do adverts have influence on you purchasing from a certain brand? 

Yes - 9 people 
No - 1 person 

As a consumer, are you aware of shock tactics, guerrilla marketing, and consumer manipulation in adverts? 

Yes - 7 people 
No - 1 person 
Other - 2 people 
- some of them above 
- only consumer manipulation 

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