Monday, November 6, 2017


- (36Creative, 2013) says ‘your branding doesn’t stop with your logo’.

- According to Business Insider (Business Insider, 2011), one third of consumer decision making is based on packaging.

- Packaging design is often referred to as the silent salesmen as it enabled an unconscious psychological connection (Burks, 2016).

- “unseen is unsold” (Asher, 2016.)

- Visibility is key (Asher, 2016.).

- Visibility comes in the way of colour, physical structure or shape, symbols and number, typography (Klimchuck, and Krasovec, 2006).

- “Market research and design gives form to the idea. The biggest role of a designer is very much to understand and position themselves between the craft of making something but maintaining the integrity of the research behind the brand. In other words, market research is key.” (Hosea, 2010).

- “help consumers develop a portfolio of relationships that allow them to function as creators of meaning for themselves.”, (Ettinger, 2013).

- “The product should speak for itself without overcomplicating packaging” (Upshaw, 2007).

-“From a purely design perspective (removing marketing variables such as price, location and brand loyalty) there are significant elements that best capture consumer attention and break through the visual clutter of the retail environment. The attraction of design elements is based on: basic principles of design + clear marketing objectives + effective use of top four attention grabbers (colour, physical structure or shape, symbols and number, typography) = well designed consumer packaging design. Packaging design that serves the intended target market should be culturally appropriate, linguistically accurate, visually logical and competitively designed.” (p.33, Klimchuck, and Krasovec, 2012).
- According to business insider, 52% of online consumers say they would likely return to a business for another purchase if they receive products in premium packaging and businesses have reported a 30% increase in consumer interest when those businesses show a strong attention to trustworthy packaging (The Paper Worker, 2016).


QuestionIs the packaging design effecting consumer choice when purchasing a product? 

Introduction: 1000 words  

- Outlining the topic and explain to the reader why this is the important area to study. 

Context/ Themes, Case Studies, Reflective Practice: 3000 words 

- What makes successful food packaging design? 
- Statistics showing the success. 
- Who are the most popular brands?
- Brand theory. 
- Use primary research 
- Discuss the research in the essay and the practical design element of this module and how they relate. 

Conclusion: 1000 words 

- Summarise the findings of each chapter. 
- Evaluate the successes or shortcoming of the research project to come to a conclusion to answer the question. 

Things to question in the dissertation:

-       What makes a product sell?
-       Is packaging design the most important part of the product?
-       Why do people/customers buy that specific product?

“An effective package design is the most effective way for emerging brand to compete and stay relevant” – Blake Mitchell (

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

COP 3 / Tutorial 1

During the first Tutorial with Amber, my final question was discussed, and I went into depth about the areas I will be exploring. We changed a bit the question as it was quite too long. Also, we spoke about focusing more on a specific theme like cosmetics or food packaging. I feel I will try to go with the idea of food packaging as I have never designed any food packaging before.


Is the packaging design effecting consumer choice when purchasing a product? 

It was also useful to talk about the practical element, even if I am currently not at a developed stage with this element of the module. Thinking about what I will produce as a practical piece now means that this can now start to evolve over the next few weeks and during my research. 

For the next tutorial, I will bring the first draft of introduction and a plan of what I will talk about in each section of my dissertation.

Monday, October 23, 2017

COP 03 / Initial thoughts & planning

During the summer holidays I have change my mind regarding the topic of dissertation. My first idea was to write about 'To what extend does Aesthetic 'Style' reflect the context, audience or function of contemporary Graphic Design?'. While during my research I noticed that I am finding it quite hard, confusing and it is not something I would like to focus on. I really enjoyed the topic which I have chosen during my first year regarding branding and packaging design, so I decided to try it again with different question.


Why is the packaging design the most significant factor effecting consumer choice when purchasing a product? 


Customers are drawn, more than anything, to products that look good. Something that is well designed and interesting is bound to attract more potential customers than a product that is poorly designed and looks blend. This is the importance of packaging design. It is, after all, the key part in marketing a product and ensuring it sells. 

Initial questions and thoughts: 

Why packaging design is important? What makes successful packaging design? What customers want? Statistics showing success. The most popular brands. Brand theory. 

Texts to look into: 

Giles Calver, What is packaging design?
Bill Stewart, Packaging Design 
Bill Stewart, Packaging Design strategy, Pira packaging guide
Steven Du-Puis and John Sliva, Package design workbook 
Janice Kirkpatric, New packaging design

Monday, April 24, 2017

Cop3 Proposal

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Practical Work - Evaluation

Practical Conclusion 

Overall I am very pleased with the outcome of my practical work. I feel commercials and advertisements play important role in our lives today. No matter where we go in the world, we see advertisements around us all the time. I feel my posters are more successful than the commercial it's self mainly because I haven't done anything like this before. But I am very pleased that I had a chance to try something new and I really enjoyed it, especially that I could use my photography skills during this project and learn new more about this type of design.

COP Evaluation 

I really enjoyed COP this year, as I could choose a topic for my essay and my practical work by myself without any limitations. I have chosen advertisements and commercials mainly because I really wanted to give a try to create my own commercial as I haven't done it bore. It was quite challenging but at the same time beneficial to try something new and learn new things and new software. I was really interested in the subject matter I focussed my essay on and found it really enjoyable to write about. I would also like to continue with this theme of advertisement for my dissertation next year as it is a field of Graphic Design that I would like to work in.

Practical Work - Distribution/ Production

The commercial could be distributed anywhere on any tv. Also, posters could be distributed on in any print format for example billboards, in the underground, bus stops etc. The first example is of the tv advert and the rest of them are on signage around the London Underground, bus stops and billboards on the streets due to a lot of people walking past so it would definitely grab people's attention.

Practical work - Video

Using the manipulation techniques which I have analyzed in my essay I have created a commercial promoting food for rabbits. It was good to start from creating posters, finding a slogan so based on that I could create a video. The video lasts for 34 seconds only, covering everything I wanted to achieve in it, especially I have shown my chosen manipulation techniques used in the adverts. I have started from the voice, making the rabbit being a narrator of the commercial, by using this technique of manipulation it makes the viewer feel an emotional closeness or empathy with the animal. I had a bit of trouble with the voice as I don't know any children so I had to ask my friend to record the audio which I had mixed to add more softness to it to make it seem like a kid's voice. The next step was to use 'Catchy Jingle' it is catchy musical composition. For it, I have found a song 'Life of Riley' by Kevin MacLeod. I have chosen this song as I wanted to add catchy, sweet, childish music as the background for the video which would suit perfectly children's voice and make the advert be more interesting and engaging. Also, it would make viewers remember the advert. In the commercial, I had used the idea of using 'suitable words'. The text about the food which I had to prepare for the video was taken from the real packaging. I had to use bright colors as these are active, eye-catching colors with a friendly nature that may induce a sense of courage and energy referring to the healthy lifestyle. The last part of the advert looks the same as in all pets at home commercials. Simply white background with the logo and chosen slogan. I have also used the idea of manipulation by using 'Expert's opinion' this is why I have finished the advert with the sentence 'Recommended by Vets' to make the advert more appealing. If other people, particularly experts, believe in something, this is used to convince the reader that it must be right and make the company more trustful. 


Do you think the final outcome for the commercial is successful?  Yes/No and why? 

- I think yes, you have clearly represented your idea. Watching this advert you don't need to think what is it about. 
- Yeah, like it 
- Kind of 
- I think you could try a bit to show some story thought it, to grab viewer's attention more. 
- Yeah as the message is clear. 
- Yeah 
- Maybe not successful but it has potential 

Would you buy this product after seeing this commercial on TV? 

- Yeah, if I would have a rabbit :) 
- Yes, but firstly let me buy a rabbit heh 
- Maybe if I would have a rabbit 
- Probably yes 
- Yes
- Yes
- Maybe 

Would you change anything? 

- The background in two last scenes should be improved. 
- Not really 
- Maybe just the background, to recorded in the park or something to make a connection with posters which have a lot of green colour. 
- I think the voice could be changed to more childish one. 
- It would be good if you will add once again the food packaging on the end of the advert to make the viewers remember it. 
- You could improve the background and the scene before the last one is a bit pixeled (close up to the bunny's face) 
- The background behind the rabbit could be changed (you could use the green screen) 

Do you think I clearly showed different methods of commercial manipulation? 

- Yes
- Yeah 
- Yes 
- Yes
- Yes, sort of 
- Yeah 
- Yes

If, yes what kind of methods have you noticed? 

- Speaking animal and catchy music, suitable words
- Bright colors, this catchy music in the background and 'Recommended by Vets' it's some kind of manipulation as well I think, can't remember the name of it. 
- Music 
- Speaking animal directly to the audience, catchy background music, and bright colours. 
- The background music, speaking rabbit, and vets recommendation.
- Speaking rabbit, music, the use of suitable words 
- Music, good choice of words, speaking rabbit, bright colours. 

Any other feedback? 

- Love the music in the background.
- Good work 
- Cool, love the rabbit 
- Good one. 

Practical Work - Text for the video

Before recording a video I had to prepare a speech which is going to be used for the commercial. All the information about the food is real as I took it from the rabbit's food packaging which I am going to promote. The rabbit from the advert will be a narrator, so it will look like the rabbit is speaking directly to the audience to encourage them buying this food. For the voice I would like to use children's voice to make it more appealing and cute. By using the idea of  rabbit as a narrator is one of the manipulation techniques used in commercials. It is called Anthropomorphism which is giving human qualities to non - human objects or being to make viewers feel an emotional closeness or empathy with the animal.

1st scene: Oh, hey my name is Toffee! Have you heard of new food for me and other bunnies?

2nd scene: Which is rich in Vitamines and natural antioxidants, which combined with the Profeed will keep my immune system in perfect order! Also with balanced calcium and phosphorus for strong and healthy teeth!

3rd scene: Oh and I forgot to add that it contains hay which is the base of my diet!

4th scene: Oils and zinc help me maintain a healthy, shiny and soft fur!

Practical work - Story Boards

1st scene - Rabbit comes from the left introducing it's self and the food he will talk about.
2nd scene - The rabbit stands next to the basket full of vegetables and fruits talking about the vitamins, minerals ect which the food he is promoting contains (vegetables and fruits are used to make the audience think that the food is very healthy).
3rd scene - The rabbit is eating a hay and in the same time giving more info about the food.
4th and 5th scene - After talking about the food and what it contains rabbit starts to talk about it's advantages and how it makes his life better.
5th scene - The end

After recording couple of scenes for the commercial I had a bit of trouble with the rabbit as it was very hard to convince him to do some things also the commercial would be to long as I only have 30 seconds. Due to that I had to make a new story board and remove couple of scenes from the previous story board.

The first three scenes are the same as on the previous story board. Instead of the 4th and 5th scene I made one where rabbit is having a bath. The scene came up itself as I didn't force the rabbit to do it, but it came up very successful so I have decided to use it. The video finishes with the white screen and logo of the Pets at home company. 

What are manipulation techniques which I am going to use? 

- Anthropomorphism
- Catchy Jingle 
- Expert's opinion 
- Suitable colours  
- Suitable words 
- Slogan 
- Logo of the famous brand 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Practical work - Survey

I have started from creating a survey about the impact of advertising. Here is the link to my survey: I gathered 10 responses from people in different age group.

How old are you? 

18 - 25 - 6 people 
25 - 30 - 3 people 
30 - 40 - 1 person 
over 40 - no one 

Approximately how many adverts do you watch a day? 

0 - 10 - 1 person 
10 - 20 - 3 people 
20 - 30 - 4 people 
more - 2 people 

What in your opinion makes an advert effective that catches your attention? 

- I think catchy music and colours
- Music 
- Colours 
- Funny tagline 
- Music 
- Catchy design and pictures 
- Humor 
- A human truth engagingly presented. 
- Stupid commercials are the most memorable, followed by funny ones. I tend to remember a commercial first then the product
- Music and pictures 

Do adverts have influence on you purchasing from a certain brand? 

Yes - 9 people 
No - 1 person 

As a consumer, are you aware of shock tactics, guerrilla marketing, and consumer manipulation in adverts? 

Yes - 7 people 
No - 1 person 
Other - 2 people 
- some of them above 
- only consumer manipulation 

Practical work - Posters

Using my photography and inspiration from the researched posters promoting food for animals I have created my own posters. The idea for the logo design of 'Pets at home' company I took from the packaging for the rabbit's food which I am promoting. Also, the used colors in posters are taken from the logo and the packaging of the food. I have used the slogan 'Where pets come first' as I thought is the most suitable one. Overall I feel the posters came up successful. In the posters, I had used the most important information about the food using words like 'essential vitamins and minerals' which I have taken from the packaging as I didn't want to put a lot of text to don't make the audience feel confused, just wanted to keep it simple and clear. The font for the text is the same to the one 'Pets at home' uses. To make the audience know what the poster/ advert is about I have used the picture of the packing for the food which it is promoting.


Which poster do you prefer? 

- I like the first one. 
- First one and the second one. 
- The 4th one (bunny is washing its face) is cute 
- I think the first three 
- First one 
- First one 
- The last one 
- Love the photos! The second one 

Is there any changes you will make to it? Any different colours I can use? 

- I feel the green colour suits the pictures and the theme representing natural and healthy food. 
- I think you should add maybe a bit more of info to encourage people buy this product? but it looks grate. 
- Green is the best, as it also suits the colours of the food packaging. 
- More info, but don't make it to busy 
- Maybe add some text, something which the rabbit will say about it. 
- No, good work. 

After receiving a feedback I have decided to add a bit more information to the poster about the food. Also I have added a text 'Recommended by Vets' as this one of the manipulation techniques, they are using for the adverts to make them more appealing. It other people, particularly experts, believe in something, this is used to convince the reader that it must be right. I have made changes only to 3 posters to the ones people said are the most successful ones. I have also added text 'Keep me healthy' to make it seem as the message is from the rabbit to make a connection with the commercial.


Practical work - How to make an effective TV commercial?

As I have never created/ designed a commercial it was worth to find different tips on how to make an effective TV commercial. I have found a quite interesting article about '5 Tips for Creating an Effective TV Commercial'. Article

Represent your brand clearly - Using both verbal and visual cues, your brand's name, logo, and perhaps even the product itself should be conveyed through commercial. Don't be secretive and wait until the end of the ad to show your brand's face. But do be tasteful about it.

Create a storyline - The best commercials don't just sell a product or service, they tell a story. Whatever it is a heartfelt story or dose of humor or satire, create a storyline to which your audience can relate and connect.

Develop a signature character or theme - Create a series of adds that carry the same or the characters through. These characters or theme will fortify the audience's connection with your brand.

Keep it simple - You only have 30 to 60 seconds to get your message across and form a connection with your audience. Keep the overall concept and storyline of your commercial simple.

Don't cut corners - Quality is an essential element of an effective TV ad. Quality doesn't necessarily mean you have to empty your pockets of one ad. But do utilize a professional film production team to ensure the quality of your commercial. As with any marketing campaign, you must begin with a solid strategy. If you don't have a clear picture of your brand's messaging strategy you are not ready to create a TV commercial. Instead, spend time developing a clear strategy that can be the foundation of your entire marketing campaign, including TV ads.

What are the most top, successful companies? 

Barclaycard: Put it away, Bough

The series of spots featuring Rowan Atkinson’s bungling secret agent helped the card brand reverse a decline in market share and grow profits in a competitive sector.
IPA Gold Effectiveness Award Winner 1996

BT –  It’s Good to Talk

Fronted by Bob Hoskins, this campaign changed perceptions about the cost of calls and encouraged people to stay on the phone for longer.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 1996.

Foster’s – Good Call

With the biggest demonstrated Return on Investment of any beer campaign in the IPA’s history, this series of humorous ads helped the lager brand reclaim market leadership.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 2014

Halifax – Staff as Stars campaign

A daring decision to create ads around the former building society’s staff helped the brand clearly differentiate itself in a competitive sector, leading to a 150% jump in sales and 43% rise in profit per current account customer in the first year.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Gold Winner 2002

Hovis – As good today as it has ever been

An epic 122 second spot celebrated the bread brand’s heritage, delivering a wave of PR coverage and contributing to a 14% sales increase.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 2010

John Lewis Christmas – The Long Wait

Through a string of highly emotive ads culminating in a highly successful Christmas 2010 campaign, John Lewis generated incremental sales estimated at more than £1bn.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 2012

Milk Marketing Board – Wake up to Milk

One of the most famous ads of its day, this animated sequence triggered a reverse in the declining share of milkmen and increased orders from existing customers.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 1992

PG Tips Chimps – various 1955 -1990

For over 35 years, the tea brand relied on its Chimp brand characters. The brand’s dominant position was initially achieved because of the interest in the brand triggered by the chimps, with later spots communicating that the brand offered added value – even though its price was always higher than that of its competitors.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 1990

Tesco – Every little helps

Between 1995 and 1999, Tesco’s advertising helped the retailer consolidate its lead, with its lead character, ‘Dotty’ (played by Prunella Scales), sharpening the brand’s appeal with a  well-received message about value for money.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Grand Prix Winner 2000

Department for Transport, Drink Drive – various 1979 -2009

In a 30-year period from 1979-2009, hard-hitting TV ads demonstrably changed attitudes and behavior towards drink driving.
IPA Effectiveness Awards Gold Winner 2012

The top 10 is based on campaigns that won either Gold or a Grand Prix in the IPA Effectiveness Awards since they began in 1980. The only criteria: the campaigns had to be TV led, generate a measurable and significant impact and deliver demonstrable results over at least a year.

Practical work - Brand - Pets at home

Image result for pets at home

As I am promoting a food for rabbits, it is important to find a brand for who I am going to do the advert for. The most famous shop and brand with animals and supplies in Uk it's 'Pets at home'. Pets at Home is the United Kingdom's largest pet supplies retailer, with more than 370 stores and 6,000 employees. The company sells products including food, toys, bedding, medication and accessories, and pets. 


'Where pets come first' 
'For all times you will share' 
'We know pets by heart' 

I have found a couple of TV adverts promoting 'Pets at home' company. It was worth a look as I could find out what typeface, colors, and slogans they are using. Also how their adverts look like as I will create a similar one. 

Practical work - Photoshoot

As I am going to create posters I have started taking photos of the rabbit. The first photo shoot was in the park mainly because all the existing posters which I have been looking at are the rabbit sitting on the grass probably to symbolize the nature and present the food being healthy. I was quite worried that the rabbit might escape so I used the leash to keep him safe. I feel the photos are quite successful representing what I wanted to achieve.






Friday, April 21, 2017

Practical work - Research - posters

I have decided to move forward with the idea of creating an advert for rabbit's food. I have started from researching into different brands which are selling this type of food for rabbits, to have a look on what kind of posters they are creating to promote it. It was kind of hard to find any posters promoting the food for rabbits as I couldn't find any, so I tried to look for different animals like cats or dogs as there are many commercials and posters using those animals. The first example is the posters promoting food for cats and dogs from 'Lams', they are using simple close-ups to the animal's faces, with the logo, symbol, and slogan of the brands. This is what I will like to do for my posters. The second example is the brand called 'Purina' promoting food for cats. The second example is similar to the first one as both of them using close-up to animal's face. Under the photo in bright boxes, consumers might find more info about the food and company.

Image result for posters promoting food for dogImage result for posters promoting food for dog

Practical work - Research

I have started from researching a bit about existing adverts for food for animals to get a bit of understanding of how to make my own video.  I have couple of interesting ones using you tube: 

1st Idea: Food for animals

Ibis - The first advert which I have found is for 'Ibis' is to promote mattress in the Ibis hotel. The idea behind of using rabbits for the video is to represent the softness of the mattress. 

Rice Chex/ Trix - The advert exactly represents what I would love to achieve in my project. As my idea is to use children's voice to the advert using catchy music in the bac

Purina - It's one of the most popular companies if it comes to the food for cats. Most of the adverts are using the voice of children's to make it look like the animals are talking about the food. 

2nd Idea: Perfume advert

Image result for heat beyonce advert
The advert conforms to the usual standard of perfume adverts; the model is centralised adding element of importance and due to the slight low angle, a sense of dominance is added. Connotations of red include heat, lust, pain, sensuality, love and empowerment, this is portrayed through her facial expressions which has been enhanced by lighting. This kind of advert might manipulate with women as the advert shows if someone will use this perfume will be 'hot' just like Beyonce. 

Image result for versace advert
The second design shows the poster promoting Versace perfume. The image conveys a sense of male dominance. 
This could attract a male audience and allow them to believe that by having this product it would make them more attractive to the woman. 

Practical work - Main ideas

Animal - The advert promoting food for animals 

My first idea is to create an advert promoting food for animals mainly because I own a rabbit and I have really enjoyed using him for my work in previous modules.The advert would be short 30 seconds max promoting the food for rabbits. Working on, on this project I am thinking of creating supporting posters for the advert. 

audience: people in different age, who own animals (rabbits). 
tone: friendly, funny, informative 
aim: promote food for rabbits using manipulation techniques: 

- Anthropomorphism - giving human qualities to non - human object or beings
My idea is to use children's voice to pretend that the rabbit is speaking directly to the audience. 

- Catchy Jingles - catchy musical composition. 
I thought about adding catchy, sweet, childish music as the background for the video which would suit perfectly the children's voice and make the advert be more interesting and engaging. 

- Suitable colours 
I think it the most important part to use suitable colours for the advert. As the advert would be about the animal's food, the colours should be friendly and bright. 

Perfume - The advert promoting new perfume on the market

The second idea is to create an advert promoting the new perfume. I thought about using brands like Dior, Marc Jacobs etc. Moreover, I thought about designing a perfume for Man and Woman. The advert should last max for 30 seconds. The video would be about two models man and woman meeting up each other because of the perfume. Also, I could use my own photography skills to create posters. 

audience: young adults/ adults - both genders 
tone: friendly
aim: promote the new perfume for any existing brand 

- Catchy Jingles - catchy musical composition. 
I thought about adding catchy, soft and romantic music into in to give a suitable feel to it. 

- Suitable colours 
Pink, purple, red - symbolizing romance 

Practical work - Ideas for Practical work

The aim of the practical project is link to the final essay,  both studio briefs need to be about the same subject area or support the final conclusion.  

Essay conclusion:

The world is now controlled by advertisements using a variety of different, effective techniques just to manipulate with us as a consumer. Persuading us to spend a lot of money even for things we just simply do not need. People are dealing with lots of advertising messages every single day, in fact, people are not able to get rid of them. The world of advertisement is idealised and colourized in a way which presents a life without problems or imperfections, the solution appears in form of the products displayed in commercials which we are practically imposed on buying them, supposedly making our lives better. On the other hand, advertisements are also beneficial for us, mainly because it gives us information about different, new or already existing products which might help us in order to reach our target. Without advertisements, we would not have gained that information. The last question is: how many years we would have to deal with advertisements? The answer is simple: If the market would fall as well (it is practically not possible) it would cause advertisings as well. There is nothing else left than just living in the world where advertisements are around us in every moment of our life.  All we need to do is just to not take some of them seriously, mainly because advertisements are not always truthful, they might sell products which might not be very healthful for us. That’s why it is important to seek more information about the products before buying it. To do it, we just need to check the labels which would tell us everything about the wanted product and what it contains. In some occasions more expensive products don’t mean better quality. 

As the practical outcome for this brief work with the essay it must follow the same ethics. For my cop practical work I would like to create an advert which would present all the manipulation techniques which are used to create successful and catchy advertisement.

I will look at different manipulation techniques which I have been talking about in my essay: 

- Suitable colours
- Catchy Jingles - catchy musical composition 
- Tempting pictures 
- Suitable words 
- Tempting Prices 
- Anthropomorphism - giving human qualities to non human objects or beings

I have come up with 4 different ideas of how to develop my essay to practical work: 

- Food - The advert promoting healthy food - juices, yogurts, jams. 
- Animals - The advert which would promote healthy food/snacks for the animals. 
- Perfume - Fairy tale looking advert promoting new perfume on the market. 
- Entertainment - new music app/ album 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Essay Plan

Essay Plan 

- What's advertising
- History of advertising 19th and 20th century - Modern
- The use of tips and tricks for food advertising such as:
* Tempting pictures
* Catchy jingles
* Labels on packaging
* Depicting fun
* Characters that appeal
* Tempting prices
* Slogans
* The use of photo editing is crucial for the product to be presentable as possible and to give it that luxury look.
- 'Advertising makes us feel that we are not good enough as we are'
- Use of attractive spokespersons/ models/ actores
- Childeren and advertising
- Subliminal advertising


Ryans, C. (1996) Consumer Resources. Journal of Small Business Management, 34 (1996): 63-65. 
Kotler, P., and Armstrong, G. (2008)."Principles of marketing" 12th ed., Pearson Prentice hall, 396-398.     
Bell, D. (1976) The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Basic books Inc., New York. NY. 
Marchand, R. (1985) Advertising and the American Dream: Making way for Modernity, 1920-1940. University of California Press, CA.
Will Rogers 
Victor Danciu Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 
Sofo Archon The Negative Effects of Advertising on Society 
Tips and Tricks for food advertising -
John L. McMullan & Delthia Miller All in! The commercial advertising of offshore gambling on television 
Blinde (2007) 172 - 174
Lavine, H, Sweeney, D and Wagner H Stephen 
Stephen Leacock
Dion, Berschied, and Walster 1972 
Allen Kanner and Renee Soule Effects of Advertising on Society
Josh Golin 
Rogers and Smith (1993)
Kelly and Kessler (1978)

Study Task 03 (SB2) 1

How does advertising manipulate society? 

1. Research question:

- TV advertising
- Posters
- Bilboards
- TV Shows
- Product labels
- Shop signs
- Newspapers

1a. Is it visible?

Ontology - , advertising and techniques, branding, manipulation
Epistemology - By watching advertisements, by finding advertising in magazines/ online/ shop signs
Methodology - By analysing different techniques used in advertising

2. Defining the design problem:

Creating proffesional advertisement with researched techniques to make a middle quality product to look luxury.

3. 'Client' need or requirments

- Daily consumers

4. Audience:

- The target audience would be 16 plus but mainly 18 plus
- Both genders

5. Mandatory Requirements:

- Must appeal to consumers
- Must appeal to supermarket brands
- Muts appeal to TV advertising brands

Study Task 02 - Parody and Pastiche

Fredric Jameson 

What is this about?

Parody-  A humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing.
Pastiche- Imitating a design by not copying. 

What is Jameson's definition of parody and pastiche?

Jameson characterises postmodern parody as 'blank parody' without any political bite. 
Black Parody- straight copy of something. 

Parody- 'Ulterior motives' - challenging the establishment.  

Pastiche- 'Pastiche is, like parody, the imitation of a peculiar or unique, idiosyncratic style, the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language. But it is a neutral practice of such mimicry, without any of parody's ulterior motives, amputated of the satiric impulse, devoid of laughter.' (Jameson, Postmodernism)

Linda Hutcheon 

What is this about? 


What is Hutcheon's definition of parody? How does it relate to pastiche? 

Parody- 'Parody—often called ironic quotation, pastiche, appropriation, or intertextuality—is usually considered central to postmodernism, both by its detractors and its defenders'. 

How does she criticise Jameson?

'Postmodernist recall of history is neither nostalgia nor aesthetic... It is true however that it does not offer what Jameson desires-'Genuine historicity'.

Jameson argues that in postmodernism 'Parody finds itself without a vacation'.